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Poker Guide

Have you ever played the famous casino game "Poker"? Of all casino games, Poker is the most commonly known and also the most played casino game worldwide. Either land based or online casino, Poker seems to hit most of gamblers from different side of the world. It is the only casino game which is still in debate if it should be classified as gambling game or a sport. For you to be knowledgeable about this game, here's a land based and online poker guide.

Basically, Poker could be included on both terms. Poker is definitely a casino game. Based on its origin, the game was invented for gambling purpose for people to spend their past time. However, the point that it may also be classified as sport because of all the casino game, Poker is known to be a game where skills are better than luck. Even if you are not that lucky at all, if you have the skills, you can still win in this game.

Poker history is still subject for some debate. The earliest game known to be related on betting, hand rankings, and bluffing was the 15th century German game Pochspiel. From the 1937 edition of Foster's Conmplete, Hoyle R. F. Foster wrote "the game of poker, as first played in the United States, five cards to each player from a twenty-card pack, is undoubtedly the Persian game of as nas." This seems to make Poker resembles the Persian game As Nas.

Nowadays, Poker comes up in different variation. Most of these variations were originally created in United States in the mid- 1990's. There are three poker variants that seem to be the most popular are spread in many casinos and poker rooms around the world which are divided into the following groups

-Draw Poker : This is a poker variant game in which players are dealt a complete hand, hidden, and then improve it by replacing cards. The most common of this is "Five-card draw".

-Stud Poker : In this poker variant game, a player receives a combination of face-up cards and face-down cards in multiple rounds of betting. Seven-card stud  and Five-card stud are the most common game of this variant.

-Community card poker : It is a game where each player's incomplete hidden hand was combined with shared face-up cards. This are the most commonly played variant of poker. Texas hold 'em  and Omaha hold 'em are the most common example of this which seems to be the most played too.
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